Akagera National Park Rwanda (2)

However, it is also possible in Akagera to self-drive your own vehicle round the park. Guides are available to accompany you on your drive.

The guides can direct you to areas where wildlife is most abundant and guide you to stunning scenic spots that you may otherwise miss.

There is a two-tier guiding system in the park with 10 park-employed guides and 15 community freelance guides.

As a park visitor, and subject to availability, you may choose to take a park-employed guide who has guiding experience ranging from 2 to 12 years in Akagera National Park, and has undertaken training in content, interpretive guiding and first aid in the past 2 years.

Or, you can choose one of the Community Freelance Guides, who are enthusiastic, fast learners. They have completed an in-house training and assessment programme.

Both guides are dedicated to providing an authentic experience and support the success of the park.

By choosing a freelance guide you are strengthening the relationship between the park and the local community, by stimulating economic development and allowing communities members living alongside the park to benefit from the tourism growth in Akagera.